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November 28, 2022
Whether you've already received your favourite annual delivery, excitedly awaiting its arrival or about to place your order, you might be thinking to yourself, ugh, I can't use it until January...
Well, you can!
Remember, this isn't your ordinary diary after all.
If you simply can't wait until January 1, start with these sections of your planner. There's nothing stopping you from diving right in.
Add important dates like birthdays, weddings and holidays you have planned in 2024. Use your Curation Sticker Set to personalise your spreads and make them more meaningful at a glance.
Start filling out your Self-Care Menu. This is space for you to list activities and rituals that are nourishing and rejuvenating.
Reflect on what energises you, rejuvenates you, boosts your mood, relaxes you and genuinely fills up your cup. These are the things that should be added to your Self-Care Menu. They don't need to be anything fancy.
The key is prioritising practical, realistic activities that are accessible to you.
Since you're basically creating a personalised self-care cheat sheet, I'd recommend only adding activities and rituals that have been beneficial for you in the past. Don't add it to your self-care menu unless you know it's a reliable form of self-care.
This is your fun to-do list. Add the adventures, experiences and activities you want to try in 2024.
Consider the following categories: travel, adventure, education, entertainment, contribution, creativity, health, family and relationships.
A traditional bucket list typically features once in a lifetime, travel-related experiences. However, we recommend expanding your definition.
Expand your definition to include things you've always wanted to try at home, like pottery, or things you've always wanted to do but never had time for, like learning how to drive a manual car or Marie Kondo-ing your house.
Keep it fun, satisfying and realistic.
There are two ways to use the date column.
You can use it to mark in tentative dates or actual dates of completion. The former gives you a timeline to work towards. The latter provides a record of your bucket list experiences.
Check out our Guide to Using Curation 2024 for video tutorials, helpful tips and loads of examples to get you started.